Vote No on Wisconsin’s Harmful Constituitional Amendment

This November, Wisconsin voters will decide on a crucial amendment to our state constitution—a subtle yet dangerous change to our voting rights. The proposed change would alter the wording from “every citizen” to “only citizens” regarding voting rights, threatening to restrict who can participate in our democracy.

While this amendment may seem harmless at first glance, it could open the door to discriminatory voting laws, such as requiring proof of citizenship to vote. Research shows that 1 in 10 U.S. citizens lack access to the documents necessary to prove their citizenship, making this requirement an undue burden. By changing the language of our constitution, lawmakers are laying the groundwork to further erode our voting rights and disenfranchise eligible voters.

Wisconsin has a long-standing history of safe and secure elections. We already have measures in place to ensure that only eligible voters are casting ballots. This amendment isn’t about protecting our elections; it’s about creating unnecessary barriers and using fear to divide us. It capitalizes on unfounded concerns to justify restricting the freedom to vote.

A coalition of over 30 organizations, including the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin, Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, and Souls to the Polls WI, opposes this amendment because they recognize it for what it truly is—a direct attack on our freedom to vote. These organizations, deeply committed to preserving democracy, have come together to raise awareness and urge Wisconsin voters to VOTE NO on this amendment.

Here’s why we need to oppose it:

  1. It’s a tactic to restrict voting rights: Changing the wording from “every citizen” to “only citizens” could lead to policies that limit voting access, such as proof of citizenship requirements, which disproportionately affect certain groups of people.
  2. It’s unnecessary: Wisconsin already has a robust system to ensure only eligible voters can cast ballots. This amendment adds confusion, not protection.
  3. It’s a power grab: This last-minute push is yet another example of a gerrymandered legislature trying to pick and choose its voters, especially with the upcoming elections that will use new fair maps.
  4. It’s divisive: Instead of bringing us together, this amendment seeks to divide us by pitting neighbors against one another. Wisconsin is stronger when we work together.

Wisconsinites are tired of these broad, harmful amendments appearing on the ballot. This is the fifth constitutional amendment voters are being asked to consider this year alone. It’s time for our legislators to focus on passing policies that work for all of us, not chipping away at our democracy.

We can protect Wisconsin’s future by voting NO on this constitutional amendment. Together, we can ensure that every eligible voter has the right to be heard and that our democracy remains accessible to all.

Join us in standing against this harmful amendment and protecting Wisconsin’s voting rights. VOTE NO on November 5th!

For more information please visit the League of Women Voter’s website.

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